Addendum to the VIPilot Users Manual (as of 12/21/03)


The VIPilot has added a Selective Moving Map function to the graphic display. Extensive testing has shown the need for the much asked for moving map. The addition of this representation makes it much easier to maneuver the tight turns associated with airport landing patterns, holding patterns and search and rescue patterns. The Selective Moving Map shows the selected navigational aids, the runways of the nearest airport, the runways of any selected airports, and the active flight path.

The range of the moving map may be set from 1 to 99 nautical miles. The optimum range to fly tight patterns is 1 or 2 mile. Slightly larger range will allow you to see the runway orientation of airports as you approach them as well as the entire approach path.

The Selective Moving Map is always oriented with the aircraft course. As you approach a navigational aid, it will move toward the screen center. However, if a navigational aid is beyond the map range, it will remain on the compass rose as it normally appears when the Selective Moving Map turned off. ILS navigational aids are not affected by the map and always remain on the compass rose.

The Selective Moving Map is turned on and the range set by turning the small SELECT knob while any of the three navigational aids are selected on the NAV screen. When turned on, the range is shown to the left of the time readout. To reduce screen clutter, the bank angle marks (except the standard rate turn) are normally suppressed when the Selective Moving Map is turned on. If you wish, the bank angles can be forced to remain on with adaptation.

To reduce clutter on the screen, the AIM figure is normally suppressed while the moving map is displayed. Instead, in addition to the moving map, an Altitude Monitor and a Track Speed Circle are displayed. However, the AIM figure may be forced to remain on by setting TrackAim to T (true).

Two parameters have been added to the CONFIG adaptation table. The parameter PortRange determines the Selective Moving Map range at startup. Valid numbers are 0 to 99 nautical miles. A value of zero turns the Selective Moving Map off. The parameter ForceBank may be set to T (true) or F (false). A value of T will cause the bank marks to remain on during Selective Moving Map operation.

Four parameters have been added to the COLOR adaptation table. As with other features, colors and line widths of these maps are adaptable. The adaptation parameters for runway outlines are col_rwy and thick_rwy respectively. The adaptation parameters for path lines are col_path and thick_path respectively.



While a pattern or approach is in motion or the BUG height is turned on (automatic when a flight path is in progress), the VIPilot presents an altitude monitor. The deviation from the path altitude +/- 500 feet is shown as a gauge on the right side of the graphic display. The aircraft is at the intersection of the colors used for above and below the desired flight level. Should the flight path come within 500 feet of the altitude of the nearest runway (as it will during landing), a third color appears on the bottom of the gauge indicating the offset to the runway altitude. The three colors used may be adapted with the parameters: col_above (above flight level), col_below (below flight level), and col_ground (altitude of nearest runway).



During pattern and approach procedures, a second bug is presented on the compass rose as a direction indicator.



When the Selective Moving Map is operating (range greater than 0), both the Altitude Monitor and a track speed circle are displayed. The track speed circle color and line thickness are adapted with col_trk_spd and thick_trk_spd respectively.



The VIPilot will suppress the glide path on the published back course. Note: All simulated ILS are automatically front course.



Note: If simulating an ILS where one already exists, the published marker will not be suppressed. Since actual marker beacons are not always placed the same distance from the airport, it is possible to see different simulated and published markers simultaneously. The simulated markers will not show if only a published ILS is being used.



Marks have been added to the compass rose every 45 degrees relative to the aircraft course. This is particularly helpful in allowing the bug to be set only once to the final heading when flying a standard ILS approach.



In addition to patterns tied to a flight path, holding patterns as well as search and rescue patterns my now be executed directly relative to any of the three selected navigational aids (except when ILS selected). To accomplish this, GOTO to a selected navigational aid will bring up a simple menu (similar to the runway menu) giving the pilot the choice of going direct to the navigational aid or starting a pattern around that navigational aid.

The holding pattern has also been enhanced so that the pilot may now directly select a left or right 1 or 1 1/2 minute pattern. In addition, the holding pattern selection indicates the general position of the hold (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, & NW) as well as the specific inbound heading. Arrows also indicate the direction of turn or travel within a pattern.

Holding patterns or search and rescue patterns may be started automatically within a flight path or directly around an APT, NDB, VOR, or FIX navigational aid. In a flight path, the hold will start automatically when the fix associated with the hold becomes the next waypoint. For a direct hold, the pilot selects the appropriate navigational aid and presses GOTO. The pilot then selects HOLD/Pattern and presses GOTO.

The entry into the hold is automatically determined by the standard spelled out in most flight manuals based on the aircraft position when the hold is requested.

Pressing the DIGIT keys (ID & RNAV) will automatically load parameters for a right turn, 1 minute hold at the current altitude and direction of travel and at a speed equal to 1.2 x Vy (best rate of climb speed).

Upon entry, the ID field is highlighted, giving control of Altitude, Length, and Direction. Upon initial setup, the pilot will usually press DIGIT and then adjust the direction with the large Value knob. The altitude may be changed using the small Select knob. The length may be changed with the small Value knob. (Note: the length adjustment is provided for DMA holds.)

If the direction of turn needs to be changed, the RNAV button is pressed and the large select knob will step between left 1:30, left 1:00, right 1:00, and right 1:30 minute holds. The RNAV selection will also allow changing the speed with the small value knob.

If you do not wish to start the pattern at this time, simply press NAV to return to the normal controls.

Having set up a pattern in advance, the pilot may start the pattern directly without resetting the values. This is particularly useful for a hold after a missed approach.



Pressing GOTO while an ILS is selected will execute an ILS approach pattern. If the aircraft is on the airport side of the final approach fix, the pattern will include an outbound leg and procedure turn as well as the inbound leg.



The roles of the large and small value knobs have been reversed. The large VALUE knob now selects the pattern direction of rotation while the small VALUE knob selects the type of pattern entry. An additional entry called ANY will simply put up the race track shape pattern without an entry path and the VIPilot will lead the aircraft to the nearest intercept position



The Morse Code for the station identifier has been added to the DATA display of every NDB, VOR, and ILS. The initial delivery showed Name, City, State, and Runway descriptions for each airport. The values (where applicable) for FSS name, the ASOS phone number, and the frequencies for UNICOM, CTAF, Pilot Operated Lights, ASOS, ATIS, Tower, Ground Control, Clearance Delivery, Approach, and Emergencies have been added to the data base.



In addition to the mechanical brightness control on the VIPilot display (which is slow and does not cover enough range), there is now a software brightness control operated by the control box. Holding down the NAV button while turning the small value knob allows rapid control of the screen brightness. Note that attitude port will change brightness as the value knob is turned. The background brightness will update shortly after the NAV button is released.



To expedite corrections to the data base, the STATISTICS option reached via the MENU (NAV & DATA) buttons has been enhanced to allow snapshots to be taken at the ends of runways. If you find that a runway picture on the moving map or a simulated ILS approach does not agree with the runway location and wish to participate in data base corrections, the following procedure may be followed:

Taxi out to the center point of the end of the runway in question. Select STATISTICS and press ID. The VIPilot will average a number of WAAS reports (default is 8, but can be changed with the small Value knob). The location will be saved in a subdirectory called Snapshot in a record called snp00xxx.txt where xxx is a sequential number. Repeat the process at the other end of the runway. At your convenience, attach the two files generated to an e-mail and send them to We will do a sanity check on the data, incorporate it in our database, and pass the correction on to the FAA.

Note: Airports where the end points have been approximated from the airport location and runway direction are followed by a tilde (~) on the DATA display to indicate that the location is not accurate. Runway information that has been corrected by users will be marked with an Asterisks (*) until the FAA updates their data base (FAA procedures generally require formal verification and will take time).



This appendix will be expanded to discuss all patterns and paths, including landing, holding, and ILS procedure turn. During any straight leg of a pattern, the distance to the next maneuver, in nautical miles, appears in the lower left corner of the graphic display just above an abbreviated description of the maneuver position. In addition, the abbreviations used to describe the position in a pattern will be listed:


TN ACRFT Initial turn of aircraft toward entry

ON ENTER On a leg which is part of the entry sequency

TN ENTER Turn to entry leg

TN DOWN Turn Downwind

ON DOWN On the downwind leg

TN BASE Turn to the base leg

ON BASE On the base leg (or direct outside of pattern)

TN FINAL Turn to the final leg

ON FINAL On the final leg

ON RNWAY On (or over) the runway

ON CLIMB On the climb out leg

TN CROSS Turn to the crosswind leg

ON CROSS On the crosswind leg



HD ENTRY Entry to pattern

HD FORWD Leg toward the hold point

HD TN OT Turn away from the hold point

HD AWAY Leg away from the hold point

HD TN IN Turn toward the hold point

HD TN RV Turn revers direction (parallel entry)


ILS approach:

ILS OUT Outbound leg of the approach

ILS TURN Turn at the entry point

ILS AOUT Angle out on procedure turn

ILS REV Reverse direction on procedure turn

ILS RTN Start return to input vector

ILS AIN Angle in on the procedure turn

ILS INTR Turn in toward the runway

ILS IN Leg toward airport



CR ENTRY Entry into the pattern

CR LG n Leg number

CR TURN Turn around

CR DONE Pattern complete



PR ENTRY Entry into the pattern

PR LG n Leg number

PR TURN Turn around

PR DONE Pattern complete


Sector:SE ENTRY Entry into the pattern

SE L0 n Leg outbound number

SE TURN Turn around

SE LI n Leg inbound number

SE DONE Pattern complete


Square pattern:

SQ ENTRY Entry into the pattern

SQ TURN Turn corner

SQ LG n Leg in direction of pattern number

SQ SD n Leg in side of pattern number

SQ DONE Pattern complete


Path of planned flight:

TO name Leg of route toward waypoint

AT name At named waypoint


Trackline pattern

TO name Leg of route toward waypoint

AT name At named waypoint

REVERSE Turn around



An adaptation variable, icon_bright, has been added to the DISPLAY table to permit dimming the icons during night operation. Values permitted are 1 to 100 percent.

The following additions have been made to the general and display configuration tables:

General Adaptable Parameters (PP 46-47):



selective moving map range



do not hide bank with moving



track both AIM and map

Defining Your Own Display Appearance (pp 49-50):





above flight level





below flight level





runway altitude





runway outline





path line





runway outline thickness





path line thickness





percent brightness of icons





color tracking speed





tracking speed circle





speed circle





flight director bug


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